From Skype to person

Discover inspiring stories and valuable insights about our mission, education, and impact.

|April 2016

March 24th 2016: The most memorable day in my life. I was excited to wake up in the morning more than any other day just because here I am all ready and geared up for my Laxmipuram and Vamakuntla visits.

For quite a long time now I was eagerly waiting for these visits for the excitement of seeing the kids whom I regularly see on Skype in person, a feeling similar to visiting angels.

My long travel reached me at Vamakuntla at 10.40am and had an interaction with the teacher’s there. By around 11.00am I got to see the kids and interacted with them understood their gaps and eagerly looking forward to fill up those gaps in the coming academic year. From Vamakuntla it was an onward journey to Laxmipuram. Reached Laxmipuram around 12.00pm and met Mr. Keshava Rao the school Head Master. Interacted with the kids at Laxmipuram and I realized how happy those kids where for the eVidyaloka experience that our teachers are giving.

A few suggestions put forward by Laxmipuram HM was : 1. Need to evaluate teachers properly(Interest and Subject Knowledge).

2. Prior notice in case class got cancelled so that they can plan accordingly. A few things that i observed in the school were: 1. No Library at schools, may be possible solution would be Digital Library (Access to Material, Books and videos in Local Machines) 2. Students are very energetic needs proper motivation, so that they can compete with private school students. 3. Students are coming forward and trying to speak in English.

It was indeed a meaningful Journey and an eye opening experience which will be cherished always.

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