Seven Reasons Why Anybody Can Be a Teacher

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B Kiriti|May 2019

Teaching has seen tremendous change over the past two decades. Strict class room learning has now evolved into universal learning. What is universal learning? Is it that universe is trying to teach us something? The answer is No. Universal learning is an expression we believe in; and this learning has commenced from everyone being a teacher. In other words, teaching has become one of the most prominent ways of learning and today, anybody can teach.

Here are 7 major factors that has opened opportunities in teaching techniques and has amounted to the significant difference in today’s learning:

Interactive classroom sessions

From class rooms in schools to training sessions in organizations, there in an inclination on interactive sessions. Nobody believes in one sided romance anymore; the same philosophy is true in the world of teaching. Everyone wishes to be a part of an interaction, and thereby, it has become one of the most efficient tools in learning. It promotes open communication and builds relationships between the learners and teachers. The roles get intertwined in such an environment, as everyone’s opinion and expertise is welcomed.

Online and Offline Forums and Groups

Teaching as a profession has a widened scope on account of the internet era. We live in a very tech savvy environment where teaching applications and online class room sessions enable easy learning without the aid of a teacher. Anybody who has the expertise in a particular area of learning, is allowed to share their knowledge in the form of online sessions, discussion forums, and focus groups.

Digital teaching

Digital teaching sounds fancy, but it is very simple. It is how a person learns by way of a pre-recorded audio or video already uploaded on the internet. Social media platforms such as SoundCloud and YouTube, and teaching tools like Skype, and WebX has allowed anybody to teach. These are also platforms where one can observe other styles of teaching, and learn by just viewing them. Digital teaching has ensured the permanence of continued teaching and learning that is open to everyone.

Passion driven teaching

Today, any person can teach about anything. There is not a single field that is left un-taught. There is a saying that work stops when passion takes over. In other words, passion drives each and every individual. It is passion in a person that also enables one to teach. The millennial generation is all about seeking passion in every field of work and technology has enabled people to not just seek knowledge but also impart what one has learnt to be recognized as subject experts.

Solution driven world

Somebody once said, we live in the era where a new invention is a slight innovation on existing services and products. We are part of a world that looks at expanding, improving, and enhancing existing products to meet new demands. Most organizations dwell on their products and services for years to perfect it. This need to constantly seek solutions has led to a new path of learning, providing opportunities to constantly learn and teach.

Life skills

Teaching is no longer confined to Arts and Science. The aspiration of high paying jobs and fancy degrees, has led to that many people who no longer are pursuing simple life skill based jobs such as plumbing, cooking, electricity related work, etc. There is an opportunity to teach these skills that are vital for an individual to be independent, especially in developed countries.

Collaborative ecosystems

The best in class organizations believe and follow a strong learning culture. Even at schools, the children are more confident as compared to children a decade ago. Teaching can no longer be restricted as a profession, as people learn from everywhere, and from everyone. We are all teachers end of the day, as we are learners. This is the only ecosystem where teaching enables you to learn, and learning enables you to teach. So break the bias, take a step and teach a child today!

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